北東アジアにおける地域構造の変容ー越境から考察する共生への道ー ?


主催:人間文化研究機構 ネットワーク型基幹研究プロジェクト地域研究推進事業「北東アジア地域研究」


【September 22】

13:00~13:15 Opening remarks and general introduction
 Nobuhiro KISHIGAMI (National Institutes for the Humanities)
? Kazunobu IKEYA (National Museum of Ethnology)

Session1 (organized by Center for Northeast Asian Studies, National Museum of Ethnology)
Long-Term History on Ecological-Cultural Diversity in Northeast Asia.
Introduction: Kazunobu IKEYA (National Museum of Ethnology)
1: Mark HUDSON(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History)
“Ancient Globalisation in Northeast Asia: Integrating Archaeology, Language and Genetics”
2: Daehwan KIM (National Museum of KOREA)
“A Study on the Diffusion of Wooden chamber in Northeast Asia”
3: Hiroyoshi KARASHIMA (Center for Northeast Asian studies, National Museum of Ethnology)
“Movement of Local Products in Modern Northeast Asia ”
Discussant: Hideyuki OHNISHI (Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts)

Session 2 (organized by Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido Univ.)
Rethinking the Northeast Asian Community
Chair: Norio HORIE (University of Toyama)
Introduction: Akihiro IWASHITA (Hokkaido University)
1: David WOLFF (Hokkaido University)
?"History as a Component of Northeast Asian Region-building: Factors and Perspectives"
2: Shinichiro TABATA (Hokkaido University)
"Advancing Economic Integration in Northeast Asia over the Past Three Decades"
3: Yasuhiro IZUMIKAWA (Chuo University)
?"The Trump Shock and Its Impacts on Regional Integration in Northeast Asia”
Discussant: Akihiro IWASHITA

Session 3 (organized by Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku Univ.)
Drastic Change of the Energy/ Climate Policy in the East Asia
Chair: Jusen ASUKA (Tohoku University)
Introduction: Jusen ASUKA (Tohoku University)
1: Alun GU (Tsinghua University)
“Carbon Market Mechanism and Economic Impacts”
2: Yi ZOU (China Beijing Environment Exchange)
“Mechanism Design and Market Performance of Beijing ETS”
3: Jusen ASUKA (Tohoku University)
“Changing China, Korea, Chinese Taipei and Stagnating Japan”
Discussant: Kenji TAKEUCHI (Kobe University)

【September 23】
Session 4 (organized by Center for Far Eastern Studies, Univ. of Toyama)
Sustainable Utilization of Forest Resources in Northeast Asia
Chair: Hiroko IMAMURA (University of Toyama)
1: Naoya WADA (University of Toyama)
“Spatial Variations of Forest Vegetation Affected by Fire in Zeysky Nature Reserve, Far Eastern Russia”
2: Masashi YAMAMOTO (University of Toyama)
“China’s Forest Policy Change and Its Effect on Wood Trade”
3: Gaku ITO (NIHU & University of Toyama)
"Why Do Neighbors Trade More? Decomposing Masses and Frictions in the Gravity Model of Trade”
Discussant: Hiroko IMAMURA
Discussant: Erbiao DAI (Asian Growth Research Institute)

Session 5 (organized by Institute for North East Asian Research, The Univ. of Shimane)
The Start of Modernization
Chair: Atsushi INOUE (The University of Shimane)
1: In-Sung JANG (Seoul National University)
“Yu Gil-Jun’s Conception of a Civilized Society and the Scottish Enlightenment: An Aspect of Acceptance and Transformation of Modern Thought in Korea”
2: Xiao-dong LI (The University of Shimane)
“Acceptance and Development of Modern Jurisprudence in China: Focusing on Liang Qichao”
3: NAHEYA (Inner Mongolia University)
“Study on the History of the Inner Mongolian Studying abroad in Japan in the Period of Manchukuo”
Discussant: Atsushi INOUE (The University of Shimane)

Session 6 (organized by Waseda Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Waseda Univ.)
Northeast Asia in Turbulence
Chair: Rumi AOYAMA (Waseda University)
1: Zhongqi PAN (Fudan University)
“Nuclear North Korea as the Game Changer in North East Asia”
2: Dingping GUO (Fudan University)
“The New Dynamics of Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia”
3: Mong CHEUNG (Waseda University)
“Japan's Strategic Choice in Northeast Asia”
Discussant: Go ITO (Meiji University)
Discussant: Rumi AOYAMA (Waseda University)

15:15~16:00 General Discussion 
Discussant: Kenji KURODA (Center for Modern Middle East Studies, National Museum of Ethnology)